Martial Arts Merchandise:
Taiji Uniforms, T-Shirts, Jians, and DVDs
T-shirts are in Black or White
Short Sleeve T-Shirts $28 each
with BMH logo, front & back
Long Sleeve T-Shirts $38 each
with BMH logo, front & back
Heavyweight Cotton Pants $20 each
Sizes 4, 5, & 6
Heavyweight Cotton Jackets $20 each
Sizes 4, 5, & 6
Polymer CS "Onyx" Jians $50 each
Polymer Deer Horn Knives $45 each
(Lu Jiao Dao)
Metal Deer Horn Knives $35 each
(Lu Jiao Dao)
Bo Staffs and Metal Jians (Swords) can be ordered as needed
Yang Style Taiji Videos
Running Time: 45 min. Price: $25
Running Time: 2 hours. Price: $35
For questions, to check availability, or to place a phone order please call 330-524-8189